共 6 条词语
身不由己指人失去自主的能力全由他人支配或受周围环境的控制。英in spite of oneself; involuntarily;[查看详情]
不由自主由不得自己作主谓无法控制自己。例我也不很记得了。但觉得自己身子不由自主倒象有什么人,拉拉扯扯要我杀人才好。——《红楼梦》英cannot help; beside oneself;[查看详情]
仰人鼻息比喻依靠别人而生存只能看人家的脸色行事。例解其倒悬仰人鼻息。——北齐杜弼《檄梁文》英be slavishly dependent; act on the orders of; depend on sb.'s whims and pleasures; live at sb.'s mercy.;[查看详情]
三从四德古代中国妇女应有的品德。三从是未嫁从父、既嫁从夫、夫死从子四德是妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功(妇女的品德、辞令、仪态、女工)英the three obediences obey her father before marriage, her husband when married, and her sons in widowhood and the four virtues (m[查看详情]
寄人篱下比喻依附别人不能自立。英live under another’s roof; live on dependence of sb.; be (live) under sb's subjugation (thumb); rely on sb. for support; have one's feet (kness,legs) under sb's mahogamy;[查看详情]