共 7 条词语
长篇大论指冗长的文章或滔滔不绝的言谈。英lengthy article (speech); be prosy and diffuse;[查看详情]
连篇累牍牍:古代写字用的竹、木简。形容文字冗长罗嗦。例连篇累牍不出月露之形。——《隋书李谔传》英an endless assortment of articles; column after column; keep on repeating the insipid talk; lengthy and tedious writings; pages and pages of persiflage;[查看详情]
天南地北相距遥远。英separate far and wide; be far apart;形容谈话漫无边际。英every and any subject under the sun;形容地区各不相同。英from different places or areas;[查看详情]
拖泥带水形容在泥泞道路上行走的状貌。比喻办事拖沓不爽快或语言不简明扼要。英messy; sloppy; slovenly; drag through mud and water;[查看详情]
一语破的一句话就说中要害点破实质。英hit the mark with a single comment;[查看详情]
拉拉扯扯指牵挽亲昵的样子。也形容勾勾搭搭关系暖昧,不正当。例一个小爷见了面也拉拉扯扯的,什么意思!——《红楼梦》英digress in speaking; traffic in flattery and favours; pull and drag this way or that;[查看详情]
洋洋洒洒形容文章或谈话长而流畅。例这是经常不离木刻刀的那又是洋洋洒洒下笔如有神的。——茅盾《风景谈》英at great length;[查看详情]