
共 10 条近义词

  • 见死不救

    jiàn sǐ bù jiù

    见死不救比喻见人有急难而不救助。英to leave sb. in the lurch; neglect to save life; do not rescue those in mortal danger;[查看详情]

  • 山穷水尽

    shān qióng shuǐ jìn

    山穷水尽比喻走投无路陷入绝境。英where the mountains and the rivers end—at the end of one's rope;[查看详情]

  • 自投罗网

    zì tóu luó wăng

    自投罗网自己主动钻入对方布下的陷阱中。也指自取祸害自作自受。例凤姐因他自投罗网,少不得再寻别计令他知改。——《红楼梦》英hurl oneself willingly into the net; bite the hook;[查看详情]

  • 束手就擒

    shù shǒu jiù qín

    束手就擒捆起手来等候别人来捉拿比喻无法脱逃或无力抵抗。英allow oneself to be seized without putting up a fight; wait for capture with tied hands;[查看详情]

  • 洗颈就戮

    xǐ jǐng jiù lù


  • 在劫难逃

    zài jié nán táo

    在劫难逃命定的灾祸是无法逃脱的(迷信)英there is no escape;[查看详情]

  • 劫数难逃

    jié shù nán táo


  • 安坐待毙

    ān zuò dài bì


  • 束手待毙

    shù shǒu dài bì

    束手待毙捆起手来等死。英fold one's hands and await destruction;比喻危难时不想方设法坐等败亡。英helplessly wait for death;[查看详情]

  • 飞蛾扑火

    fēi é pū huǒ
