共 9 条近义词
因地制宜根据不同地区的具体条件制定相应的妥善措施。例夫筑城郭立仓库,因地制宜。——汉赵晔《吴越春秋》英take such measures as one suitable to local conditions; adapt the working methld to local conditions;[查看详情]
因材施教根据不同对象也就是针对学习者的能力、性格、志趣等具体情况施行不同的教育。例别类分门因材施都。——清郑观应《女教》英teach according to what the student is good at; teach students in accordance with their aptitude;[查看详情]
有的放矢有靶子才射箭比喻说话、做事都有明确的目的。英have a definite object in view as one who shoots the arrow at the target;[查看详情]
一针见血比喻说话、做文章直截、简短而切中要害。英hit sb.on the raw; penetratingly;[查看详情]
单刀直入原意是勇猛前进现在则比喻说话直截了当锋芒甚锐。例若是作家战将便请单刀直入。——宋释原道《景德传灯录》英speak out without beating about the bush; come straight to the point;[查看详情]
量体裁衣比喻根据实际情况办事。例我们应该量体裁衣各家的经济基础不同我们应该从我们的实际出发。英act according to actual circumstances;[查看详情]
刀刀见血比喻说话厉害。例口尖舌利刀刀见血,把人们的火都拱起来了。——古立高《隆冬》英speak sharply;[查看详情]