
共 3 条近义词

  • 见微知着

    jiàn wēi zhī zhù


  • 见微知著

    jiàn wēi zhī zhù

    见微知著看到微小的苗头就知道可能会发生显著的变化。比喻小中见大。例故圣人见微知著,睹始知终。——汉袁康《越绝书》英from one small clue one can see what is coming; from the first small beginnings one can see how things will develop;[查看详情]

  • 一叶知秋

    yī yè zhī qiū

    一叶知秋看见一片落叶就知道秋天将临。比喻发现一点预兆就知道事物将来的发展趋向。英The fall of a single leaf ushers in the autumn; One falling leaf is indication of autumn;[查看详情]