
共 4 条近义词

  • 身临其境

    shēn lín qí jìng

    身临其境亲自到了那个境地获得某种切身感受。英be personally on the scene; go through the situation personally;[查看详情]

  • 人际关系

    rén jì guān xì

    人际关系人与人之间在社会生活的相互作用中发生的关系。英human relations;[查看详情]

  • 推己及人

    tuī jǐ jí rén

    推己及人用自己的心思来推想别人的心思;替别人所处的境地设想。英treat other people as you would yourself; do as you would be done by others; be considerate as to put oneself in the place of another;[查看详情]

  • 将心比心

    jiāng xīn bǐ xīn

    将心比心拿自己的心去衡量别人的心形容做事应该替别人设想。英put oneself in somebody else's position;[查看详情]